Saturday, April 22, 2017

The game isn't conspiring against you

Guys, let's talk about basic statistics. I've seen so much nonsense lately that I think this should be addressed.

A little bit of background. I've recently seen claims that Howrse utilizes a predictive algorithm for the purpose of screwing people over. The example given was that when you're trying to breed a male foal you're more likely to get a female one and vice versa.

Sorry. But no.

First of all, this is ridiculous. There is no secretive predictive algorithm that's silently waiting to screw with your breeding plans. Think logically about this for a moment. Thousands of foals are born on any given server on any given day. The game has zero way of knowing what gender of foal you're hoping for, nor does it actively track your breeding habits. And since different players adopt different breeding habits, any sort of predictive system would have to be functioning independently for each and every one... And again, that simply isn't logical. You're giving the game a lot of credit it doesn't deserve.

Each time you breed your horse, you have a 50/50 chance of getting a colt or a filly. That goes for each and every breeding. The statistical likelihood resets each time. It doesn't matter if your last four breedings resulted in fillies, the fifth breeding is still 50/50 as is each consecutive one. You can get a string of all colts and it isn't unusual. It doesn't disprove the statistical averages and it doesn't mean the game is trying to cheat you.

What does it mean? It means you're paranoid. And also bad at math.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

And this is why Howrse doesn't take a strong stance again plagiarism.

The new Wanderers are shit.

At least they had the decency to edit the fennec fox somewhat, but if you look closely you'll see the macaw actually has the same brown discoloration on the underside of the wing that the original photo shows.

I'm sure the rest of the shoddy animals from the other Wanderers are also edits to some degree. The kangaroo and gibbon look particularly suspect and I did manage to find the artic wolf image as well, though that one has at least been slightly altered. I didn't spend too much time on this. The images shown as all easily found on Google images - you don't even have to scroll too far down (and I'm sure the divine "artist" didn't either).

Stay classy, Howrse!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Could you not?

If you'd all stop entering your shitty photo-manipulations into the Creation Space that would be great.

If you think you're fooling anyone then your powers of reasoning are just as bad as your photo edits.