Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Free Lotto App

So, you all know that I sometimes post about websites and apps where you can earn money to buy passes, right? Because I'm too cheap to spend anything on this game. Anyway, I found a good one I want to share!

It's called Mooojo and here's how it works. Instead of toiling away at surveys and signing up for sketchy partner offers, Mooojo lets you watch short advertisements for a virtual lottery ticket. At the end of the week, they match your numbers against the real-life German lottery draw and you get cash based on whether or not your ticket numbers match the real ones.

Neat, right? There's no surveys. No weird third-party downloads. No spam email from companies you've never heard of.

The minimum payout is only $0.10 and Mooojo will send it right to your Paypal account. European users can also get paid using SEPA but the minimum is set a bit higher.

You win money if you match just two numbers. The more numbers you match, the more you win. I recently won $47.00 so yes, this app really does work. I received my payment very quickly.

If you want to give the app a try you can download it from the Apple App Store or from Google Play if you're an Android user.

If you decide to try the app, I'd love if you used my referral code. I know you're probably rolling your eyes at me right now but hear me out. Using my referral code will make you one of my teammates, and vice versa. Teammates help each other get bonus entries and if I win the jackpot, you'll automatically get a share of it, too. It's win-win. I didn't know that when I joined and my referer is inactive - which kind of sucks for me.

Referral code: eprfx6

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