I know you've heard it before.
You're experiencing site issues. Maybe Howrse is loading slowly but other websites are behaving normally. Maybe the Howrse team botched another promotion and it isn't working as it should. Maybe your competitions are full but will not run. Maybe an auction you won is taking a very long time to finalize. You're fairly certain it isn't a computer problem. So you venture to the message boards and ask what's going on. Within seconds, someone responds with "clear your cache and cookies".
This, my friends, is nearly always bad advice. Clearing your cache and cookies deletes your Temporary Internet files - things like multimedia content that allows your browser to load your favorite websites more quickly. Cookies, on the other hand, save information from your browser such as login information or browsing preferences.
So what does all this have to do with a legitimate site problem? Absolutely nothing.
Generally, I advise players not jump to clearing their cache and cookies at the first sign of a problem. "Clear your cache and cookies" is pretty much the battle cry of the computer illiterate. Unless you're having problems with something like your login, or loading page content, don't be so quick to clear your cache and cookies. It's almost always bad advice from stupid people looking to inflate their post counts.
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