For the second installment of my impromptu guild on earning passes I'll be covering SponsorPay offers. I can just hear people groaning already. I feel like the only player out there who understands how to do these things. I figured I'd offer some advice instead of hoarding all the glory for myself.
What are SponsorPay offers?
Strictly speaking, the SponsorPay offers are partnership promotions offered by third party companies who have paid Owlient for advertising space on the Howrse website. These offers are not directly affiliated with Howrse.
The SponsorPay offers allow you to earn passes for completing activities like surveys and website signups.
How do they work?
Generally, these offers are straight forward and the terms are clearly listed on the initial offer page. After completing an offer, the SponsorPay is supposed to confirm that you have earned the passes.
These things never work!
I see a lot of players claiming these offers never work. I can assure you that this isn't true. Many offers do not reward, this is true, but there are others that do. I frequently earn passes doing SponsorPay.
Tips and suggestions
First of all, and I cannot stress this enough, be sure you are following the instructions. If an offer says to register and confirm your email address, you must confirm your email address to be eligible for passes. If an offer says to complete a survey, you must complete a survey. You cannot stop half way through.
Secondly, learn to spot offers that will likely reward. You'll find many of these offers are from the same company. If one of them doesn't reward, it's likely none of them will. Save yourself the time and try something else.
Third, don't freak out if an offer doesn't give you your passes. Remember this is free. It sucks to waste time, but I figure we're here sitting on our butts playing with digital ponies - what's it really matter if we get shafted by a survey? If you want free passes, keep trying.
Keep yourself safe
It's important to remember that the SponsorPay partners are out to make money. They're not giving you passes because they like you. You must take certain precautions to keep yourself safe from scams, malware and adware. I know that all sounds pretty scary but I promise you it isn't hard so long as you use common sense.
First of all, it's a good idea to have a decent anti-virus running on your computer. Keep its registry files up to date.
Secondly, be very careful giving out any personal information. Many offers will ask you for your phone number. It is a good idea to not give it. If you carefully read the terms of service on such sites, you'll find you're essentially signing yourself up for telemarketing calls.
Third, use a junk email account. Many of these offers will absolutely flood your inbox with spam mail. Don't use your personal email for this.
Fourth, do not download content you do not trust. If you're unsure, always play it safe. Players who are more experienced with computers and web-safety may want to look into a "sandboxing" program that will allow you to download and quarantine programs and applications without risk.
Fifth, never give your billing information to sites whose legitimacy you cannot confirm.
Sixth, if you're a minor be sure your parents know what you're doing. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Trouble shooting
Some players insist on taking screenshots confirming they have completed offers so that they can send a ticket to the SponsorPay representatives if an offer does not reward. I honestly find this to be a waste of time, but you're welcome to do it.
If you've completed a bunch of offers and none are rewarding you may want to try clearing your cache and cookies.
I've never been able to earn more than 25 passes in a single day. The Howrse admin told me they do not impose any limits on SponsorPay, but that they sponsors themselves may. I'm inclined to believe there is a limit to how much you can earn daily.
Any questions?
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