Sunday, November 27, 2016

Let's Talk Affixes

Affixes. We've all got them. Some communicate a sense of grandeur. Some are silly. Some are pop-culture references we slyly slip into game to express our off-site interests. Some are with us from the beginning, while some are nothing more than placeholders.

All in all, affixes are pretty personal. They say a lot about our horses, breeding projects and even about ourselves as players. Which is why it's so frustrating to see lame affixes. So let's talk about this, shall we?

1. Why are you using your username as an affix?

For real. This is stupid. There's this awesome field in your horses' information tab marked Producer. This handy tool tells everyone who bred the horse. You don't need to put this information into your affix. Anyone who cares will already know to check out who the producer was if this information is somehow pertinent to their interests.

2. Numbers in your affix? Whhhy?

Sorry, but if the affix "Arabian" is taken, "Arabian1" is hardly a worthy substitute. You can do better than that. It looks ugly and it communicates nothing aside from your laziness and lack of imagination.

3. Please stop insisting your horse is great or awesome or top quality.

You probably think very highly of your horses but "High Quality Quarters" or "First Place Flyers" sounds ridiculous. What's more, it looks silly on a low-quality horse. Even if your horse were to be top ranked, it would still be a goofy affix. A horse's quality speaks for itself. If you need your affix to tell me how great your horse is then it probably isn't.

4. What does that even say???


Seriously. Don't do this.

5. There are some things better left unsaid.

All things being equal, I'd rather buy a horse with a nice non-committal affix. I'd just rather have Ponykins of "Meadow Lark Estates" than Ponykins of "MEAT IS MURDER", or Ponykins of "JESUS LOVES YOU".

Even if I agree with your sentiments, there's a certain amount of tact that one should exercise when choosing an affix. You risk looking very juvenile if you bring your propaganda into the game. Not to mention, you could be violating the terms of service depending on the affix subject and content.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Hope your parents aren't paying for that

Soooo... You want an expensive art tablet so you can trace your shitty 3D renders more efficiently?

Bitch please.